Aquarian sadhana is instudio (dus jij in Yoga Studio Diemen) én online live stream (dus jij thuis).
We starten om 8:00 uur met het chanten van een gedicht (de Japji) en 7 mantra’s.
Met aansluitend om 10:00 uur een les Kundalini yoga en Meditatie met Annie.
Als je beide doet (chanten en die yogales) dan heb je een complete Aquarian sadhana gedaan.
Je kan er ook voor kiezen om alleen de yogales te doen (of alleen dat chanten).
Als je beide wilt doen, dan moet je jezelf bij beide aanmelden.
Voor dat chant gedeelte graag €14,50 betalen. Minder mag ook. Gratis mag ook.
Voor de les Kundalini yoga en Meditatie met Annie graag €14,50 betalen (of met je maandabonnement).
Als je wilt kan je iets meenemen om te delen (eten of drinken; houd het eenvoudig).
1 x per maand op zondagochtend.
Kijk hier: Yoga Studio Diemen – Lesrooster – Momoyoga
Leuk je te zien.
Hieronder over de Japji, over Aquarian Sadhana, de zeven mantra’s en een Engelse vertaling van de Japji.
Over de Japji, ‘Het lied van de ziel‘ door Dev Suroop K. Khalsa
Jap betekent herhalen en Ji betekent ziel. De herhaling van Japji geeft je een consistente projectie en geeft je toegang tot je eigen oneindige bron van inspiratie en diepgang.
Japji is een van de vijf dagelijkse gebeden van de Sikhs. Het is geschreven door Guru Nanak, de eerste Sikh-goeroe die, samen met zijn metgezel, Mardana, te voet duizenden kilometers aflegde om mensen te leren door middel van zang en eenvoudige inspiratie om verheven en eenvoudige levens te leiden.
Heel duidelijk gezegd: “Guru Nanak sprak Japji als een manier om andere mensen te begeleiden en te verlichten over de realiteit van het Goddelijke in de Schepping. Japji is een leraar voor iedereen die op zoek is naar de Waarheid. De Geluidsstroom van Japji en de betekenis van zijn woorden, wanneer er met openheid en liefde op wordt gemediteerd, wekt een ziel voor zijn bestemming. Stap voor stap geeft Japji je de alomvattende kracht om jezelf te kennen zoals je bent en bij Gods Schepping te zijn in een geest van vreugdevolle overgave.”
De kracht van Japji komt voort uit de combinatie van zijn geluiden, of naad. Geluiden hebben diepgaande effecten op de psyche, en wanneer ze worden gerangschikt in de wetenschap van naad, hebben ze een zeer specifieke transformerende kracht.
Yogi Bhajan heeft geleerd dat door elf keer per dag verschillende stanza’s – of pauris – van Japji te reciteren, men toegang kan krijgen tot zeer specifieke effecten. Het reciteren van de Mool Mantra, bijvoorbeeld, geeft een ervaring van de diepte en het bewustzijn van je ziel en kan je lot veranderen in volledige welvaart.
Op dezelfde manier wordt gezegd dat de totale kennis van God en extase vervat is in de eerste pauri. Het elf keer per dag reciteren van deze pauri zal je optillen uit de diepste depressie, onzekerheid, nachtmerries en verlies. Meditatie op elk van de overige 38 verzen biedt even unieke, rijke en krachtige wegen van genezing, zelfontdekking en openbaring. Met de volledige recitatie van Japji Sahib wordt gezegd dat elk probleem kan worden opgelost en opgelost.
De structuur van Japji
De structuur van Japji is prachtig technisch en precies. Er zijn 40 pauri’s in Japji. Het woord ‘pauri’ betekent ’trede’, zoals op een trap. Er wordt geleerd dat Japji van God uitgaat en naar de aarde komt. Er zijn vijf elementen of ’tattva’s’ waaruit alle materie is samengesteld: aarde, lucht, vuur, water en ether. Daarnaast zijn er acht chakra’s, waaronder de aura. Wiskundig gezien is vijf keer acht gelijk aan 40 – het aantal paurees in Japji.
Wanneer je de eerste “stap” zet van het reciteren van de Mool Mantra, wordt dit geassocieerd met de Achtste Chakra op de frequentie van ether. Terwijl je doorgaat met reciteren, werk je geleidelijk door de chakra’s en de tattva’s totdat je eindigt bij de 40e stap met de Eerste Chakra op de frequentie van de Aarde. Op deze manier past het lezen van de hele Japji Sahib “alle elementen in alle chakra’s volledig aan en past het je subtiele en fysieke lichamen volledig aan.”
Scroll naar beneden voor een Engelse vertaling van de Japji.
Dit is wat Snatam Kaur zegt over de Aquarian sadhana (automatische vertaling met onderaan het origineel).
‘Wat ik weet over de Aquarius sadhana:
Ik ben opgegroeid met de Aquarius Sadhana, een oefening in de vroege ochtend die bestaat uit het doen van Japji, yoga en chanten. Mijn ouders brachten me naar de sadhana-kamer, helemaal gebundeld in dekens. Mijn moeder zei dat toen ik klein was, ik altijd uit mijn dekens sprong en meezong met de gezangen als ze begonnen.
Later, als tiener en toen ik begin twintig was, identificeerde ik me echt met de gezangen toen ik deuntjes voor hen begon te componeren op mijn gitaar. En nu als moeder hebben deze gezangen veel troost en vrede in ons huis gebracht.
Het volgende is wat ik weet en persoonlijk heb ervaren van deze gezangen. Ik hoop dat je dit met plezier leest en dat het je op de een of andere manier helpt bij je praktijk.
Het eerste gezang is de Long Ek ong kars. Ik leerde dat elke angst, elke emotie, elk lichamelijk ongemak kon worden gekanaliseerd in Long Ek ong kars. Met een rechte ruggengraat, kin opgesloten en veel adem ontdekte ik al snel dat deze mantra de kracht heeft om alles te reinigen. Het vibreert vanuit het centrale kanaal, de Shushmana, en zuivert en reinigt dit kanaal actief en verbindt het hele chakra-systeem.
Wah Yantee is de mantra van creativiteit en vernieuwing. Dit is waar de vreugde begint en de reis. De deuntjes zijn voor mij elke ochtend totaal anders. Soms ben ik verrast door de energie van deze Mantra omdat het zo creatief van aard is en toch zo oud. Het is de meest veilige creatieve energie die we tot onze beschikking hebben om aan te boren. Voor elke creatieve persoon die er is, moet je weten hoe belangrijk het is om veilig te zijn in je creativiteit en daarom maak ik elke ochtend gebruik van deze mantra.
De Mul Mantra verbindt je met de Oneindige Waarheid waar geen vraag, grens of gebrek aan energie is. Alle gedachten of ideeën die je kunnen misleiden, zullen in deze Mantra worden gecorrigeerd. Deze Mantra corrigeert je, zonder dat je het weet, want heel eenvoudig vibreer je met zijn eeuwige waarheid en wordt het jouw eeuwige waarheid.
Plots komen er dingen aan het licht die ondraaglijk waren om mee om te gaan, uitdagingen waar je niet mee om wist te gaan, gedachten die steeds ongevraagd terugkwamen. De eeuwige waarheid komt altijd in het spel en ontspant de dingen… Dat is alles wat nodig is. Dan zie je wat echt is en wat niet.
Sat Siri Akal is de mantra die ons voorbereidt op de dood, op dat moment waarop de prana het lichaam verlaat en de ziel antwoordt op alle trillingen, alle gedachten en alle handelingen. Het doordringen van deze Mantra helpt ons om ons leven zo te sturen dat we van dag tot dag de juiste koers varen en op het moment van overlijden in de Oneindige Stroom zijn.
Hierna komt Rakhe Rakhanhar. Dit is de krachtigste mantra die praktisch kan worden toegepast voor bescherming. Ik heb het vaak in mijn leven gebruikt. Het mooie is dat het een mantra voor bescherming is die niet alleen jou omringt met bescherming, maar ook je hele gemeenschap. Mensen begrijpen het beschermingsniveau waar ik het over heb niet; Het is echt en slaat alle negativiteit neer die op je pad komt.
Het is in wezen een heel lieve en mooie mantra. Veel muzikanten zullen op natuurlijke wijze mooie en lieflijke deuntjes kiezen vanwege de energie die deze mantra vibreert. Het effect is echter als een stalen zwaard zoals gebruikt door de felste krijger die je je kunt voorstellen. Deze combinatie van zoet en fel beschermt eigenlijk onze onschuld.
De Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Wahe jio Mantra is waar de chanting practice heel diep in de psyche doordringt. Allereerst is het erg lang. Dus nadat je erin bent gestapt, ervan hebt genoten, er grondig op bent uitgekeken, dan krijgt het vat op je.
Het is in dit moment van verveling dat als je erbij blijft en het ritme van de woorden toestaat om op je bewustzijn te blijven kloppen, dat Guru Ram Das zal binnenkomen en je zal optillen naar een plek waar de geest geen domein meer heeft, waar het tussen jou en je ziel en de trillingsfrequentie van je eigen bewustzijn is. We hebben allemaal volledig bewustzijn, we zijn allemaal verlichte wezens, en deze Mantra brengt ons in die staat.
Eindelijk zijn we klaar voor de genezing van Guru Ram Das wanneer we tot hem chanten aan het einde van Sadhana. De zon komt meestal op of het eerste licht komt eraan, afhankelijk van waar je woont en in welke tijd van het jaar. Maar deze sensatie van de zon die opkomt, beschrijft perfect het gevoel van deze Mantra. Het is de Oneindige ruimte waar Guru Ram Das bestaat en je bent daar bij hem. Het is de tijd voor je diepste gebeden, de gebeden waarvan je niet eens wist dat ze bestonden, de gebeden die uit je Ziel komen.
Er zijn veel ongelooflijke en mooie ochtend sadhana opnames’.
‘What I Know about the Aquarian Sadhana
I grew up with the Aquarian Sadhana, an early morning practice that includes doing Japji, yoga and chanting. My parents would bring me down to the sadhana room all bundled up in blankets. My mother said when I was little I would always pop up out of my blankets and sing along with the chants when they started.
Later as a teenager and in my early twenties I really identified with the chants as I began to compose tunes for them on my guitar. And now as a mother these chants have brought great comfort and peace to our home.
The following is what I know and have experienced personally from these chants. I hope that you enjoy reading this and that it in some way helps your practice.
The first chant is the Long Ek ong kars. I learned that every fear, every emotion, every physical discomfort could be channeled into Long Ek ong kars. With a straight spine, chin locked in and plenty of breath I soon discovered that this mantra has the power to cleanse anything. It vibrates from the central channel, the Shushmana, and actively purifies and cleanses this channel and connects the entire chakra system.
Wah Yantee is the mantra of creativity and renewal. This is where the joy begins and the journey. The tunes for me are totally different every morning. Sometimes I am surprised by the energy of this Mantra because it is so creative in nature and yet so ancient. It is the most secure creative energy that we have available to tap into. For any creative person out there, you must know the importance of being secure in your creativity and that is why I tap into this mantra every morning.
The Mul Mantra connects you to the Infinite Truth where there is no question, boundary, or lack of energy. Whatever thoughts or ideas that may mislead you will be corrected in this Mantra. This Mantra corrects you, without you knowing it because very simply you vibrate with its eternal truth and it becomes your eternal truth.
All of the sudden things that were unbearable to deal with, challenges that you didn’t know how to deal with, thoughts that kept coming back uninvited are brought to light. The eternal truth always comes into play and relaxes things… that’s all that is needed. Then you see what is real and what is not.
Sat Siri Akal is the Mantra that prepares us for death, for that moment when the Prana leaves the body and the soul answers for all vibrations, all thoughts, and all actions. The penetration of this Mantra helps us to guide our lives so that we take the right course on a day to day basis, and are in the Infinite Flow at the time of death.
Then following this comes Rakhe Rakhanhar. This is the most powerful Mantra that can be practically applied for protection. I have used it many times in my life. The beautiful thing is that it is a Mantra for protection that not only surrounds you with protection but your entire community. People don’t understand the level of protection that I am talking about; it is real and strikes down any negativity coming your way.
It is essentially a very sweet and beautiful Mantra. Many musicians will choose beautiful and lovely tunes naturally because of the energy that this Mantra vibrates. However, the affect is like a steel sword as used by the fiercest warrior you can imagine. This combination of sweet and fierce actually protects our innocence.
The Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Wahe jio Mantra is where the chanting practice goes very deep into the psyche. First of all it is really long. So after you have gotten into it, enjoyed it, gotten thoroughly bored of it, then it takes hold of you.
It is in this moment of boredom that if you stay with it and allow the rhythm of the words to keep beating on your consciousness that Guru Ram Das will come in and lift you into a place where the mind has no domain any longer, where it is between you and your soul and the vibratory frequency of your own consciousness. We all have complete awareness, we are all enlightened beings, and this Mantra takes us into that state.
Finally we are ready for the healing of Guru Ram Das when we chant to him at the end of Sadhana. The sun is usually rising or the first light is coming depending on where you live and what time of year. But this sensation of the sun rising perfectly describes the feeling of this Mantra. It is the Infinite space where Guru Ram Das exists and you are right there with him. It is the time for your inner most prayers, the ones you didn’t even know existed, the prayers that come from your Soul.
There are many incredible and beautiful morning sadhana recordings’.
De zeven mantra’s van Aquarian Sadhana.
Morning Call (The Adi Shakti Mantra, Long Ek Ong Kars) – 7 minutes
This mantra initiates the kundalini, initiating the relationship between our soul and the Universal Soul. It opens all the chakras. Be sure to apply Neck Lock to let the Kundalini energy rise.
Ek Ong Kaar – One Creator created this Creation
Sat Naam – Truth is His Name
Siri Wahe Guru – Great beyond description is His Infinite Wisdom
Waah Yantee, Kar Yantee – 7 minutes
With this mantra, we strengthen the connection with the infinite self, the part of us beyond the physical world, beyond creation.
Waah Yantee – Great Macroself
Kar Yantee – Creative Self
Jag Dut Patee – All that is creative through time
Aadak It Waahaa– All that is the Great One
Brahmaadeh Tresha Guru – Three aspects of God: Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh
It Wahe Guru – That is Wahe Guru
Mul Mantra – 7 minutes
This mantra gives an experience of the depth and consciousness of your soul. It eradicates deep, longstanding pain and sorrow. It expands creativity and projects us into action in line with our destiny.
Ek Ong Kar – One Creator created this Creation
Sat Nam – Truth is God’s Name
Kartaa Purkh – Doer of everything
Nirbhao – Fearless
Nirvair – Revengeless
Akaal Moorat– Undying
Ajoonee – Unborn
Saibung – Self Illumined
Gur Prasad – It is by Guru’s Grace
Jap! – Repeat and Meditate!
Aad Sach – True in the beginning
Jugaad Sach– True through all the ages
Haibhee Sach – True even now
Nanak Hosee Bhee Sach – Nanak says Truth shall ever be.
Sat Siri, Siri Akal (Mantra for the Aquarian Age) – 7 minutes
With this mantra we declare that we are timeless, deathless beings and promotes victory in all aspects of our life.
Sat Siri, Siri Akaal – Great Truth, Great Undying
Siri Akaal, Mahaa Akaal – Great Undying, Great Deathless
Mahaa Akaal, Sat Naam – Great Deathless, Truth is God’s Name
Akaal Moorat, Wahe Guru – Deathless Image of God
Rakhe Rakhan Har – 7 minutes
This is a mantra of protection against all negative forces, inner and outer, which are blocking us from moving on our true path. It cuts like a sword through every opposing vibration, thought, word, and action.
Rakhay rakhanahaar aap ubaaria-an
Gur kee pairee paa-i kaaj savaari-an
Hoaa aap da-iaal manaho na visaari-an
Saadh janaa kai sang bhavajal taari-an
Saakat nindak dusht khin maa-eh bidaari-an
Tis saahib kee tayk Naanak manai maa-eh
Jis simrat sukh ho-i sagalay dookh jaa-eh
Thou who savest, save us all and take us across,
Uplifting and giving the excellence.
You gave us the touch of the lotus feet of the Guru, and all our jobs are done.
You have become merciful, kind, and compassionate; and so our mind does not forget Thee.
In the company of the holy beings you take us from misfortune and calamities, scandals, and disrepute.
Godless, slanderous enemies—you finish them in timelessness.
That great Lord is my anchor.
Nanak, keep firm in your mind, by meditating and repeating His Name
All happiness comes and all sorrows and pain go away.
Wahe Guru Wahe Jio – 22 minutes
This is a mantra of ecstasy with which we establish ourselves for victory and the right to excel. Chant sitting in Vir Asan (warrior pose), sitting on the left heel, with the right knee up, right foot flat on the ground, with hands in Prayer Pose. Eyes are focused at the tip of the nose.
Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Jio
Translation: “Wow, God is great!” or “indescribably great is His Infinite, Ultimate Wisdom.”
Guru Ram Das Chant – 5 minutes
This mantra is one of humility. It opens the Heart Center (4th chakra) so that we can feel and effortlessly radiate universal love. We call on Guru Ram Das in praise of his spiritual guiding light and protective
Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru
The first part (Guru Guru Wahe Guru) projects the mind to the source of knowledge and ecstasy. The second part (Guru Ram Das Guru) means “the wisdom that comes as a servant of the Infinite.”
A Naad Translation of Japji
[Editor’s note: A Naad translation is to be read aloud. It’s about the beat, the rhythm, the assonance and consonance. Read it aloud yourself and listen. You’ll hear it. This translation stresses Aquarian conceptual thinking.]
By Hardhyan Bridgid Hess
Sat Nam. My name is Hardhyan Bridgid Hess. Hardhyan means devotion to God and Bridgid is about bridging spaces.
My Dharmic path, from as far back as I can remember, has been to find God, and secondly to be inclusive of others, particularly those on the edges of any system.
This is a pattern that has taken me over rough angry seas and sometimes gotten me lost in forms of Christian fundamentalism and dualistic thinking. When the dust settled, and the duality merged through the fire of the spirit, golden nuggets have been smelted in the fire.
It has not been an easy road to walk and it has been very lonely. I eventually found my way to becoming a Quaker and a Kundalini Yoga teacher, where the focus has been on the light of God within my soul, rather than an outside God that comes to the rescue.
I trained as a Narrative Psychotherapist and worked in Africa in healing and bridging racial gaps, along with raising three sons in Zimbabwe.
I moved in later life (along with my husband) to the West coast of Scotland and it was here that I discovered Kundalini Yoga. I was instantly drawn to it, but I struggled to connect it with my Christian faith. In spite of my doubts, I trained as a Kundalini yoga teacher. I knew in my soul that there was gold to be mined. Bible verses and Christ return to me in metaphors and parables and I spent years trying to find ways of merging my practices.
I found teachers (Pritam Kaur in South Africa and later Sukhmandir Singh on ) who have helped me to find language for, and merge with, this infinite inclusive way of knowing.
When I joined Spirit Voyage’s Japji Global Sadhana with Snatam Kaur, I was entranced with her explanations of the Paurees. I found myself longing to write this in a poetic form of English that could catch the essence of each verse without the clutter of too much language. The Gurmukhi is so poetic and rhythmic, and I had the belief that this sound current could be translated into English and recited in a similar meter and timing. Somehow the ‘accuracy’ of literal translations did not hold the music for me.
For two years I labored and loved each verse. It began to soak into me and I found my mind skipping along to the rhythms. I also began to understand so much more about my own soul. I had never much appreciated my bigger Self and constantly felt inferior to others. I started to see myself as a beautiful being of light and love. It is not always easy and I still blow the bellows over damp wood, but the flame flickers and the light emerges.
In this translation (below) I have attempted to remove the idea of God as a male and have been inclusive of other faith metaphors and words that merge with the ONE – EK ONG KAR.
JapJi: Song of my Soul.
Ik ong kaar Sat Naam
Kartaa Purkh Nirbhao Nirvair
Akaal Moorat Ajoonee
Saibhang Gur Prasaad Jap
Aad Sach Jugaad Sach
Hai bhee Sach
Naanak Hosee Bhee Sach
Pauree 1.
Sochai soch na hova-ee je sochee lakh waar
Chaupai chup na hova-ee
Laa-e rahaa liv taar
Bhukhiaa bhukh na utree
je ban-naa pureeaa bhaar
Sahs siaanapaa lakh hohe
ta ik na chalai naal
Kiv sachiaaraa ho-eeai
Kiv koorai tutai paal
Hukam rjaaee chalanaa Naanak likhiaa naal
We can think and think but
This is not who God Is
Be absorbed in silence within
Empty thoughts scattered chatter
Chatter around in the head
Courses, degrees, cash, trade
Mind games demand distract
Truth is not this constant chatter
Oh Nanak Oh seeker
There’s only ONE way
I am-ness of God -Wake up obey
My soul wake up obey
Pauree 2.
Hukamee hovan aakaar
Hukam na kahiaa jaaee
Hukamee hovan jeea
hukame milai wadiaaee
Hukamee utam neech
hukame likh dukh sukh paa-eeah
Ikna hukamaee bakhsees
ik hukamee sadaa bhavaaeeah
Hukamai ander sabh ko
baahar hukam na koe
Naanak hukamai je bujhai ta
haomai kahai no koe
God of God, true Word beyond time
Word of True Word, We cannot define
By your command all souls walk
On Earth in pain and pleasure
Higher or lower we walk our way
Fame and Suffering larger lesser
Word of Life flows without measure
Subject to You in all we do
Understand this infinite flow
Speak not from image or show
Pauree 3.
Gavai ko taan hovai kisai taan
Gavai ko taal janei neesan
Gavai ko gun waadiaechar
Gavai ko widiaa wikham weechar
Gavai ko saaj kare tan kheh
Gavai ko jeea lai fir deh
Gavai ko jaapai disai door
Gavai ko weekai haadara hadoor
Kathana kathe na avai tot
Kath kath kathe kotee kot kot
Dedaa de laidee tak paahe
Jugaa jugantar khathe khaahe
Hukame humam chalea rahu
Nanaka wigaai weparhaahu
Some sing the Divine is life and power
Some sing of creator in wind, tree fire
Scholars sing of God, endless learning
Others sing that to dust we’re turning
Some sing of dying, Resurrection and life
Many sing of God removed from sight
Some sing of light, spark, divine
Within us commanding us to shine
Countless preach, countless teach
Countless preaching countless teaching
Endless sermons, endless talking
Endless sayings beyond describing
Endless River of life flow through
We walk our paths with gratitude
Pauree 4.
Saachaa sahib saach naa-ee
Bhaakhiaa bhaao apaar
Aakhah mangah deh deh data kare daataar
Fer ke agai rakheeai jit disai dabaar
Mukau ke bolan boleeai jit sun dhare piaar
Amrit welaa sach naao wadiaee weechaar
Karmee aavai kapraa nadree mokh duaar
Naanak evai jaaneeai sabh aape sachiaar
True the Master, True that Love
Give, Give, we beg and pray
Glory and gifts pave our path
What can we give in return or say?
Wake at Amrit
Between darkness and light
Name of love in our quiet hearts sing
Karmic path we tread, we walk
Grace Oh Grace lift us beyond
Know my soul – True Lover is ALL
Pauree 5.
Thaapiaa na jaa-ee keetaa na ho-e
Aaape aap niranjan so-e
Jin seviaa tin paa-i-maan
Naanak gaveeai gunee nidhaan
Gaaveeai suneeai man rakheeai bhaao
Dukh parhar such ghar lai jaa-e
Gurmukh naadan gurmukh
wedan gurmukh rahiaa samaaee
Gur eesar gur gorakh barmaa
gur paarbatee naaee
Je hao janaa aakhaa naahee
kahnaa kathan na jaaee
Gur ik dehe bujhaaee
Sabhnaa jeeaa kaa iku daataa so
mai wisar na jaaee
God of God unchanging
Light of unchanging light
Incarnate immaculate perfect pure
Sing my soul my beautiful soul
Sing and listen to the infinite sound
The sound of peace replacing pain
The sound of the infinite sound within
Wisdom speaks deep calls to deep
Wisdom O Guru awakes from sleep
Wisdom flows in the sound and rhythm
Creator sustainer incarnate of heaven
All scriptures echo this shabad
One light one love one God one naad
Pauree 6.
Teerath naavaa je tis bhaavaa
win bhaane ke naa-e karee
Jetee sirth upaaee kekhaa win
karma ke milai la-ee
Mat wich rattan javaahar maanik
je ik gur kee sikh sunee
Guraa ik dehe bujhaaee
Sabhnaa jeaa kaa iku daataa
so mai wiser na jaaee
Bathe in the light of your soul my love
Pleasing pilgrimage
Pure cleansing bath
Rituals alone can’t make us clean
Created beings to act is vain
Without clear karmic actions
From a clear thinking brain
Within our Beings are gems so bright
Rubies so perfect Reflect pools of light
Listen soul listen to that guru speak
One God One Lover One giver One Light
Pauree 7.
Je jug chaare aarjaa hor dasononee ho-e
Nabaa khandaa wich jaaneeai
naal chalai sabh ko-e
Changaa naao rakhaa-e kai
jas keerat jag le-e
Ke tis nadir na aava-ee ta
waat na puchhai ke
Keeta andar ket kar dosee dos dhare
Naanak nirgun gun kare gunvantiaa gun de
Tehaa ko-e na sujha-ee je tis gun koe kare
If we collected and hoarded
Through all 4 Ages
Built beautiful buildings 10 times ten
Good fortune can follow us
Fanning flames
Of wealth dripping jewels
Stars of fame
We labour like worms we labour in vain
It is all dust on a dust weary plain
Unless the Lord of Grace unfolds
Our love and light
With wings of grace
We labour in vain
Pauree 8.
Suniai sidh peer surnaath
Suniai dhart dhaval aakaas
Suniai deep loa paataal
Suniai poh na sakai kaal
Naanak bhagataa sadaa wigaas
Suniai dookh paap kaa naas
Listen Sages Yogic masters
Listen to Earth suspended in Space
Listen oceans, dry land, Hades
Listen, know death has lost its sting
Sat Guru, devoted ones listen
Pain and suffering washing away
Pauree 9.
Sunaia eesar barmaa ind
Suniai much saalaahan mand
Suniai jog jugat tan bhed
Suniai Saasat Simrit ved
Naanak bhagtaa sadaa vigaas
Suniai dookh paap kaa naas
Listen to God Creator, Sustainer
Listen sufferering servants and Praise
Listen to body, honour its secrets
Listen to sacred books revealed
Listen devoted ones listen
Pain and suffering washing away
Pauree 10.
Suniai sat santokh giaan
Suniai athsath kaa sinaan
Suniai par par paavah maan
Suniai laagai sahj dhiaan
Naanak bhagtaa sadaa vigaas
Suniai dookh paap kaa naas
Listen truth contentment wisdom
Listen cool water, sacred bath
Listen, reciting reading, honour
Listen, intuit meditation grasp
Listen devoted ones listen
Pain and suffering washing away
Pauree 11.
Suniai saraa gunaa ke gaah
Suniai sekh peer paatsaah
Suniai andhe paavahe raah
Suniai haath hovai asgaah
Naanak bhagtaa sadaa vigaas
Suniai dookh paap kaa naas
Listen dive deep into virtue
Listen scholars, spiritual leaders
Listen to the blind that find the path
Listen, reach for the unreached
Listen devoted ones Nanak listen
Pain and suffering washing away
Pauree 12.
Mane kee gat kahee na jaae
Je ko kahai pichhai pachhataae
Kaagad kalam na likhanhaar
Mane kaa bah karn veechaar
Aisaa naam niranjan hoe
Je ko man jaanai man koe
Trust that Peace where all is Well
No words My Soul or thoughts of hell
No paper, no pen
No scribe can describe
The presence of the Faithful Guide
Such is the mind of life lived free
It washes and clears a path to see
Pauree 13.
Manai Surate hove mane bute
Manai Sagale bhavan kee sudh
Mane moh chotaa naa khaae
Manai jam kai saath na jaae
Aisaa naam niranjan hoe
Je ko man jaanai man koe
Trust as you listen, trust in your soul
Trust in her wisdom all loving and whole
Trust the river of life in our souls
Deathless springs of love can flow
Such is the mind of life lived free
It washes and clears a path to see
Pauree 14.
Manai maarag thak no paae
Manai pat sio pargat jaae
Manai mag na chalai panth
Manai dharam setee sannbandh
Aisaa naam niranjan hoe
Je ko man jaanai man koe
Trust the path on the way as it clears
Trust on earth then depart with no fear
Trust, not following empty rituals
Trust and flow with honour and grace
Such is the mind of life lived free
It washes and clears a path to see
Pauree 15.
Manai paavah mokh duaar
Manai parvarai saadhaar
Manai tarai tare gur sikh
Manai Naanak bhavah na bhikh
Aisa naam niranjan hoe
Je ko man jaanai man koe
Trusting stand at freedom’s door
Trusting, Uplifting family, friends
Trusting follow those seekers before
The ones who found the path that is clear
Such is the mind of life lived free
It washes and clears a path to see
Pauree 16.
Panch Parvan Panch Pardhaan
Panche paavah dargah maan
Panche soh-he-dar raajaan
Panchaa kaa gur ek dhiann
Je ko kahai karai weechaar
Karte kai karnai naahee sumaar
Dhaul dharm d-I-aa kaa poot
Santokh thaap rakhiaa jin soot
Je ko bujhai hovai sachiaar
Dhavlai upar ketaa bhaar
Dharti hor parai hor hor
Tis te bhaar talai kavan jor
Jeeajaat rangaa ke naav
Sabhnaa kikhiaa wuree kalaam
Eh lekhaa likh jaanai koe
Lekhaa kilkiaa ketaa hoe
Ketaa taan sualalih roop
Ketee data jaanai kaun koot
Keeta pasaao eko kavaao
Tis t hoe lakh dareeaao
Kudrat kavan kahaa weechaar
Waariaa na jaavaa ek waar
Jo tud bhaavai saaee bhalee kaar
Too sadaa salaamat nirankaar
Saintly soul self elect
Saintly soul honour unfold
Saintly soul beautiful Being
Honoured revered in courts of Queens
Saintly Soul devoted drawing
Closer to the One beyond describing
Beyond explaining, beyond all measure
Compassionate bull pure pascal lamb
Weight of the world held in your hand
Infinite Truth, expanding Word
Vast vibrating cosmic Lord
All creatures’ colours
Cascade from your pen
Flow endless stream
Vast scroll with no end
Endless power beauty nation
Endless word vibrating creation
Flow endless river beyond describing
I surrender to you O formless One
To dwell in your light is the only good done
Pauree 17.
Asankh jap asankh bhaao
Asankh pooja asankh tap taao
Asankh granth much ved path
Asankh jog man rahah udaas
Asankh bhagat gun giaan veechaar
Asankh satee asankh daataar
Asankh soor muh bhakh saar
Asankh mon liv laae taar
Kudrat kavan kahaa veechaar
Vaariaa na jaawaa ek waar
Jo tudh bhaavai saaee bhalee kaar
Too sadaa slaamat nirankaar
Countless countless countless ways
To meditate and celebrate
Countless people countless cultures
Priests and yogis saints devoted
On paths that flow from your
Throne of Grace
Disciplines disciples countless peoples
Bear scars of love, the cost of grace
In silence and battles throughout all time
Countless vibrate strings in their hearts
I surrender to you o formless One
To please you is the only good done
Pauree 18.
Asankh moorakh andh ghor
Asankh chor haraamkhor
Asankh amar kar jaahe jor
Asankh galwadh hatiaa kamaahe
Asankh paapee paap kar jaahe
Asankh kooriaar koore phiraahe
Asankh malechh mal bhakh khaahe
Asankh nindak sir karhe bhaar
Naanak neech kahai veechaar
Vaariaa na jaavaa ek waar
Jo tudh bhaavai saaee bhalee kar
Too sadaa salaamat nirankaar
Countless, countless, countless fools
Blinded by power thieving killing
Countless oppress using force
Cutthroats killers lie and slander
Countless grovel lame oppressed
By suffering shame in heart and head
The humble surrender to you
formless One
To please you is the only good done
Pauree 19.
Asankh naav asankh thaav
Agam agam asankh loa
Asankh kahe sir bhaar hoe
Akhree naam akhree saalaah
Akhree giaan geet gun gaah
Akhree likhan bolan baan
Akhraa sir sanjog wakhaan
Jin eh lihe tis sir naahe
Jiv phurmaae tiv tiv paahe
Jetaa keetaa tetaa naao
Win naa-vai naahee ko thaao
Kudrat kavan kahaa veechaar
Vaariaa na jaawaa ek vaar
Jo Tudh bhavai saaee bhalee kaar
Too sadaa salaamat nirankaar
Countless infinite sounds vibrating
Sounding echoing, growing, creating
Sing O lover songs of glory
Sing and chant sounding soaring
Sounds that echo, words never fading
Words from our souls,
wisdom is writing
Words are written our destiny calls
Written on foreheads written in souls
Calling us back to our path it calls
Ordaining us to return to our call
Calling us to live our Name
The name, your name o infinite light
Beyond all knowing beyond my sight
How can I serve creations power But to live out life in your love this hour
Pauree 20.
Bhareeai hath pair tan deh
Paanee dhotai utras kheh
Moot paleetee kapar hoe
De saaboon laeei oh dhoe
Bhareeai mat paapaa kai sang
Oh dhopai naavai kai rang
Punnee paapee aakhan naahe
Kar kar karnaa likh lai jaahu
Aape beej aape hee khaahu
Naanak hukamee aavah jaahu
Water washes body bathing
Soap soaks stains from staining urine
But you o mind so hidden so fraught
No soap can wash or clean the thoughts
Washed only by love, deep calls to deep
Washed in the Name washed in the sound
Reaching old patterns etched and scored
Breaking patterns, remaking the mind
Nurture the seed let it grow in the light
We harvest joy that was sown in love
Pauree 21.
Teerath tap da-I-aa dat daan
Je ko paavai til kaa maan
Suniaa mania man keetaa bhaao
Antargat teerath mal naao
Sabh gun tere mai naahee koe
Vin gun keete bhagat na hoe
Suast aath baanee barmaao
Sat suhaan sadaa man chaao
Kavan so welaa wakhat kavan
kavan thit kavan waar
Kavan se rutee maah kavan jit hoaa aakaar
Wel na paaaaeeaa pandatee je
hovai lekh puraan
Wakhat na paa-I-o kaadeeaa
je likhan lekh kuraan
Thit waar naa jogee jaanai rut
maah naa koee
Jaa kartaa sirathee kao saaje
aape jaanai soee
Kivkaraakhaa kiv saalaahee kio
warnee kiv jaanaa
Naanak aakhan sabh ko aakhai
ikdoo ik siaanaa
Vadaa saahin wade naaee keetaa
jaa kaa hovai
Naanak je ko aapao jaanai
agai-ga-I-aa na sohai
Prilgrimage, penance,
compassion, charity
Small such deeds such sesame seeds
Listen listen humbly hear
Tick on eternal timeless Love
Flow through my Soul virtuous dove
Devotion to the Lord of Lords
Creator of all that Was and Is
True beautiful joyful spirit flow
We know not the time, the day the season
The hour no scriptures
Can know or reason
The stars the moon the week or month
No words can reduce the
Lord of Light
Or describe or define or argue the Truth
No-one knows and if we should
Think we can define this God of Love
We will not be honoured in the courts of God
Pauree 22.
Paataa paataal lakh aagaasaa aagas
Orak orak bhaal thake ved kahn ik waat
Sahas athaarah kahan katebaa
asloo ik dhaat
Lekhaa hoe ta likheeai lekhai hoe winaas
Naanak vadaa aakheeai aape jaanai aap
World upon world above below
Searching Scriptures scratching sand
Weary at last we end our hunting
To rest in infinity infinite One
Infinite endless Universe – One God,
Truth of Truth all knowing
Pauree 23.
Saalaahee saalahe etee surat na paaeenaa
Nadeeaa atai waah pavah samund na jaaneeah
Samund sah sultaan girhaa setee maal dhan
Keeeree tul na hovanee je tis manoh na veesarah
Sing praises to the Lord the Giver
Songs, psalms drip rain and river
Flow on witless to the
Vast surging sea
Kings, emperors, wealth, world power
Cannot know the ant who’s free
Who floats to the ocean of Love
Pauree 24.
Ant na siftee kahan na ant
Ant na karnai den na ant
Ant na vekhan sunan na ant
And na jaapai kiaa man mant
Ant na jaapai keetaa aakaar
Ant na jaapai paaraavaar
Ant kaaran kete bil-laahe
Taa ke ant na paae jaahe
Ih ant na janai koe
Bahutaa kaheeai bahutaa hoe
Wadda sahib oochaa thaao
Ooche upar oochaa naao
Evad oochaa hovai koe
Tis ooche kao jaanai soe
Jevad aap jaanai aap aap
Nanak nadree karmee data
Endless praises endless song Endless actions of the Lord
Endless gifts and endless grace No mind can understand you
Endless patience, endless love Endless joy there I find
Beyond the limits of my thoughts
Beyond the limits of my mind
If I go to the depths of the sea
Even there will I find thee
Wider than the widest sea
No mind can understand you
Higher than the skies above
Your presence surrounds me
Mystery of the risen Lord
I surrender myself to thee
Pauree 25.
Bahutaa karam likhiaa naa jaae
Wadaa daataa til na tamaae
Kete mangah jodh apaar
Ketiaa ganat nahee weechaar
Kete khap tutah wekaar
Kete lai lai mukar paahe
Kete moorakh khaahee khaahe
Ketiaa dookh bhookh sad maar
Eh bhe data teree daataaar
Band-khalaasee bhaanai hoe
Hor aakh na sakai koe
Je ko khaa-ik aakhan paae
Oh jaanai jeteeaa moh khaae
Aape jaanai aape de-a
Aakha se bhe ke-ee ke-e
Jisno bakhse siphat saalaah
Naanak paatsaahee paatsaah
All blessings are ours, abundant sublime
Yet we beg, we knock,
we hunt for a sign
At times we sit, courageous, content
At times we twist, corrupt and bent
At times we take, greedy, deceiving
Then there are times
we deny receiving
At times we consume, take, take take
Then we suffer guilt,
distress at your gate
Patience oh Seeker,
patience and grace
Grace with our folly,
patience and grace
Accept the journey accept the way
We have no control of the
time or the day
The rhythm of life, ticks on the time
Counting Contentment,
commit and shine
With grace, humility Thy will be done
Sing my soul, my wonderful soul
Sing praises to the King of Kings
Pauree 26.
Amul gun amul waapaar
Amul waapaaree-e amul bhandaar
Amul aavah amul lai jaahe
Amul bhaae amulaa samaahe
Amul dharm amul deebaan
Amul tul amul deeban
Amul tul amul parvaan
Amul bakhsees amul neesaan
Amul karam amul phurmaan
Amulo amul aakhiaa na jaae
Aakhk aakh rahe liv laae
Aadkah Ved path Puraan
Aakhah pare karhe wakhiaan
Aakhah Barme aakh-he-Ind
Aakhah Gopee tai Gobind
Aakhah eesar aakhah sidh
Aakhah kete keete budh
Aakhah daanav aakhah dev
Aakhah sur nar mun jan sev
Kete aakhah aakhan paahe
Kete kah kah uth uth jaahe
Ete keete hor kareh
Yaa aakh na sakah ke-ee-e
Jevad bhaavai tevad hoe
Naanak Jaanai saachaa soe
Je ko aakhai bol vigaar
Taa likeeai sir gaawaaraa gaavaar
Priceless virtues priceless vending
Priceless traders priceless treasure
Priceless those who come to buy
Priceless love priceless presence
Priceless the divine, the court the sign
Priceless weights and
Priceless measures
Priceless blessing priceless banners
Priceless mercy priceless mandate
Priceless beyond- all this is love
The gods, saints, books speaking,
Demons, demigods, warrior speaking
Silent sages, hard workers speaking
Describing describeless presence
We come we go through the ages
None can describe
The Greatness of this Risen Lord
Fools if we think we could
Pauree 27.
So dar kehaa so ghar kehaa
jit bah sarab samaale
Waaje naad anek asankhaa
kete waavanhaare
Kete raag paree sio
kaheean kete gavanhaare
Gaavan tuhno paon paani
bainsantar gavai raajaa dharm duaare
Gaavah Chit Gu[at likh jaanah
likh kikh dharam veechaare
Gaavah Eesar Barmaa devee
sohan sadaa savaare
Gaavah Ind idaasan baithe devtiaa dar naale
Gaavah sidh samaadhee andar
gaavan saadh vichaare
Gaavan jatee satee santokhee
gavah veer karaare
Gavan pandit paarn rakheesar
jug jug vedaa naale
Gaavah mohaneeaa man
mohan surgaa machh pa-I-aale
Gaavan rattan upaae tere
athsath teerath naale
Gavah mohaneeaa man mohan surgaa machh pa-I-aale
Gavan ratanupaaee tere
athsath teerath naale
Gavahjodh mahaabal sooraa
gavah khaanee chaare
Gavah khand mandal warbhandaa
kar kar rakhe dhaare
Se-ee tudhno gavah jo tudh bhaavan
rate tere bhagat rasaale
Hor kete gaavban se mai chit
na aavan Naanak kiaa veechaare
Soee soee sadaa sach sahib
saachaa saachee naaee
Hai bhee hose jaae na jaasee
rachnaa jin rachaaee
Rangee range bhaatee kar kar
jinsee maa-I-aa jin upaaee
Kar kar vekhai keetaa aapnaa
jiv tis dee vadiaaee
Jo tis bhaavai soee karsee
hukam na karnaa jaaee
So paatsah saahaa paatsaahib
Naanak rahan rajaaee
Where can I go where can I see
Music call and sing to me
Follow the music follow the sound
of strings playing strings in my heart
Follow the music, follow the rhythm the waves
Water washing, winds wild whistling ,
fire keeping flame
Drumming the beat in fire wind water and air
Sounds that vibrate into my core
Sound of a choir, drawing higher and higher
Heart-beat drums Angel-wings sound
All saints and creatures sing to the beat
Prophet and king sing hymns on your seats
Sing my soul, though the voice might be weak
Tap out the sound and tap out the beat
To that racing heart and poor weary feet
Christ and Buddha say
follow come follow
Over the chasm beyond empty hollow
Follow the cosmos follow the stars,
Follow galaxies follow far The Way
Follow the course that leads to the source
Planets are singing
sun moon stars, new galaxies springing
Conductor tapping, taps out the time,
Taps out the rhythm
True beyond time, true beyond vision,
Alpha omega always true
Nectar and essence perfume the naad
Perfume my being perfume my heart
I wearily sit and smell the scent
It was here all along song beating heart
Pauree 28.
Monda santokh saram pat jholee dhiaan
kee kareh bibhoot
Khinthaa kaal kuaree kaa-i-aa
jugat dandaa parteet
Aaee panthee sagal jamaatee man jeetai jag jeet
Aades tisai aades
Aad aneel anaad anaahat jug jug eko ves
Earrings of contentment wear,
Modest my begging bowl my meal
Meditation my oil my ashes worn
Mantle, intimate patched
Coat of death torn
Walking a path, pure content and blessed
Walking the Way with my Faithful Staff
Seeing the light in all, low or high
I bow, I bow, to You I bow
Endless Light no beginning nor end
Through all Ages one and the same
Pauree 29.
Bhugat giaan da-i-aa bhandaaran
ghat ghat waajah naad
Aap naath naathee sabh jaa
kee ridh sidh avara saad
Sanjog vijog du-e-kaar chalavah
lekhe aavah bhaag
Ades tisai aades
Aad aneel anaad anaahat jug jug eko ves
Wisdom our food compassionate heart
Word of true Word vibrates in all
Master of power, pleasure, taste
Beads on a string living create
Union, separation, our destiny calls
I bow I bow, to you I bow
Endless light no beginning or end
Through all Ages One and the same
Pauree 30.
Ekaa maa-ee-jugat viaaee tin chele parvaan
Ik sansaaree ik bhandaaree ik laae deebaan
Jiv tis bhaavai tivai chal aavai jiv hovai phurmaan
Oh vevhai onaa nadir na aawai bahutaa eh vidaan
Ades tisai aades
Aad aneel anaad anaahat jug jug eko ves
Mother divine divinely birthing
God in One and One in Three
All creation directed it bows
Wonder of Wonderful wonder fulfill
Seen by You, hidden from us
I bow, I bow, I humbly bow
Endless light no beginning or end
Through all Ages One and the Same
Pauree 31.
Aasan loe loe bhandaar
Jo kichh paa-i-aa so ekaa vaar
Kar kar vekhai sirjanhaar
Naanak sache kee saachee kaar
Aades tisai aades
Aad aneel anaad anaahat jug jug eko ves
Storehouses full in all realms of creation
Enough for all from beginning to end
Plenteous stored, while the Lord of creation
Is watching and seeing and seeing all
I bow, I bow, I humbly bow
Endless light no beginning or end Through all Ages One and the Same
Pauree 32.
Ikdoo jeebhao lakh ho
lakh hovah lakh vees
Lakh lakh geraa aakheeah ek naam jagdees
Et raah pat pavreeaa chareeai hoe ikees
Sun gala aakaas kee keetaa aaee rees
Naanak nadree paaeeai kooree koorai thees
Oh for a thousand tongues
might I sing
Million Trillian tongues to sound
Trillian million choirs all around
In unison bridegroom of my soul
Worms are squirming
blindly crawling
Closer and closer
to the throne of light
Boast not my soul for this gift of sight
Pauree 33.
Aakhan jor chupai nah jor
Jor na mangan den na jor
Jor na jeevan marn nah jor
Jor na raaj maal man sor
Jor na surtee giaan veechaar
Jor na jugtee chutai sansaar
Jis hath jor kar vekhai soe
Naanak uttam neech na koe
No power to talk no power to be quiet
No power to beg to give or to fight
No power to possess life and death
No power to control the
world on my breath
To seek such power is
power that blinds us
From seeing beyond the
tricks of the mind
Surrender to love, River of life
The source to the sea, Love is enough
Pauree 34.
Raatee rutee thittee vaar
Pavan paani agnee paataal
Tis vich dhartee thaap rakhee dharmamsaal
Tis vich jeea jugat ke rang
Tin ke naam anak anant
Karnmee karmee hoe veechaar
Sachaa aap sachaa darbaar
Tithai sohan panch parvaan
Nadree karm pavai neesaan
Kach pakaaee othai paae
Naanak ga-i-aa jaapai jaae
Wind fire, water and land manifest
Home on earth elements blest
Uncounted species endless beings
Deeds and actions judged in courts
It is by Grace by grace we walk
Free and graceful Self-elect, stable
Beyond the courts of good and bad
Pauree 35.
Dharm khand kaa eho dharm
Giaan khand kaa aakhah karam
Kete barme ghaarat ghareeah roop rang ke ves
Keteeaa karm bhoomee mer kete kete dhoo updes
Kete Ind Chand soor kete kete mandel des
Kete dev daanav mun kete kete rattan samund
Keteeaa khaanee keteeaa baanee kete paat narind
Keteeaa surtee sewak kete Naanak ant na ant
Dharma dharma righteous living
Wisdom knows a higher realm
So many Winds, fires and waters
So many Gods in beauty dressed
So many Saints, sermons spoken
Moons and Suns worlds and lands
So many goddesses, masters, yogis
So many demons, silent sages
So many cultures, like jewels worn
So many intuit selfless wisdom
O True One there is no limit
limitless one
Pauree 36.
Giaan khand mah giaan parchand
Tithai naad binod kod anand
Saram khand kee baanee roop
Tithai ghaarat ghareeai bahut anoop
Taa keeeaa gala katheeaa naa jaahe
Je ko kahai pichhai paachhtaae
Tighai ghareeai surat mat man budh
Ththai ghareeai suraa sidhaa kee sudh
Wisdom Oh spirit reign supreme
Heavenly music vibrate to me sing
Beautiful blissful perfection bring
The language that forms such radiant things
No words can describe this
Presence so rare
In whose presence genius is found
None can describe this blissful presence
Conscious, Being of Being I bow
Pauree 37.
Karam khand kee baanee jor
Tighai horn a koee hor
Tighai jodh mahaabal soor
Tin mah raam rahiaa bharpoor
Tithai seeto seetaa mahimaa maahe
Taa ke roop na kathne jaahe
Na oh marche na thaage jaahe
Jin kai raam vasai man maahe
Tithai bhagat vasah ke loa
Karhe anand sachaa man soe
Sach khand vasai nirankaar
Kar kar wekhai nadir nihaal
Tithai khand mandal lwarbhand
Je ko kathai ta ant na ant
Tithai loa loa aakaar
Jiv jiv hugam tivai tiv kaar
Kekhai vigsai kar weechaar
Naanak kathnaa kar-raa saar
Words of Truth spoken with grace
Powerful word of effective faith
Saintly language with clear intent
Cool calm majestic truth
Words beyond death and deception-less
Mind filled ageless knowing blessed
Formless One Creator of all
Watching, watching, glance of grace
Bestowing happiness watching all
Planets, galaxies no limit no end
Rejoice my love there’s no other way To pick it apart is like eating steel
Pauree 38.
Jat paahaaraa dheeraj suiaar
Ahran mat ved hatheeaar
Bhao khalaa agan tap taao
Bhandaa bhaao amrit tit dhal
Chareeai sabad sachee taksaal
Jin kao nadir karam tin kaar
Aanak nadree nadir nihaal
Self-control be my furnace
Patience my goldsmith
Understanding my anvil
Wisdom my tools to work
Let awe be my bellows fanning
The flames of my inner heat
Melt the Nectar furnace of Love
Mint the coin of this sacred life
Transform this life of toil and work
To be seen with Grace by the Lord of All
Pawan guroo paanee
pitaa maataa dharat mahat
Divas raat due daaee daa-i-aa
khelai sagal jugat
Changiaaeeaa buriaaeeaa
waachai dharm hadoor
Karmee aapo aapanee ke nerai ke door
Jinee naam dhiaa-i-aa gae maskat ghaal
Naanak te much ujile ketee chhutee naal
Air the guru
Water the father
Earth the great mother
Day and night two nurses in
Whose lap we play
Good and bad actions, judged in justice
Meditate and beyond this split
Then leave this world with brilliant faces
So others might too be free.