Dat kan. Bijvoorbeeld deze kriya.
“You surrender to a lot of things which are not worthy of you. I wish you would surrender to your radiance…your integrity…your beautiful human grace.” – Yogi Bhajan
Kriya: For Aura, Positivity, and Vitality
This gentle kriya is a great way to reconnect with your body in a loving way, strengthen your electromagnetic field, and boost your Positive Mind.
Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Place your hands in Gyan Mudra on your knees and begin Breath of Fire. Continue for 3 minutes, then inhale and suspend your breath for a few seconds. Exhale and relax.
Continue sitting in Easy Pose, hold your ankles, and begin flexing your back. Inhale as you move forward and exhale as you arch back. Continue for 3 minutes, then inhale and suspend your breath for a few seconds. Exhale and relax.
End Of Kriya Part 2: Guided Meditation To See Your True Beauty
- Relax into Savasana, close your eyes, and rest as Ramdesh takes you on a guided meditation to see your True beauty.
- Close your practice by chanting “Sat Nam” three times. You may also choose to end with “Long Time Sun”.
Dear Body Temple,
I commit to seeing your true beauty. I commit to honoring you with my words, thoughts, deeds, actions, and activities. I commit to restoring your vitality and energy wherever and whenever possible so that you have the energy you need to carry us through life. I recognize your strength, your grace, and your power. I recognize that the Universe dwells within you and that every cell of you is filled with the intelligence of cosmic consciousness. Today, you and I deepen our relationship on this earth. We move forward as friends and allies, peaceful, supportive, and respectful at all times. I see you. I honor you. I love you.
You’re truly beautiful. Sat Nam!